Alpha Lipid SD II
Sebelum ni aku pernah tulis mengenai product herbalife dan sejauh mana keberkesanannya dalam membantu penggunanya dalam menurunkan berat badan. Hari ni aku nak cerita pula pasal satu lagi product iaitu Alpha Lipid SD II. Ramai sebenarnya yang taksub dengan product ini sekarang dan ramai yang membelinya terutama mereka yang berbadan besar. Product ini sama rumusannya dengan entri aku mengenai Herbalife sebelum ini. Cuma aku terpanggil untuk menyiarkan salah satu komen pembaca dalam sebuah blog yang membincangkan mengenai keberkesanan product Alpha Lipid SD II.
Wasted says:
Hi friend’s ,
Just came across your blog discussing abt this SD2 Product . Okie let me share something with you all today , Please to those ppl who wants to buy this product don’t ever get cheated ! i’ve been using this product for the past 1 month and i have control my self to a extend of a strict diet , Nothing much happen , i lost 12KG
you guys must be wondering how come im condemning a product that made me loose 12 KG , its actually not the product that helped me to archive my desirable weight, it’s actually simple . This product emphasized not to consume any product that contains carbo , without having carbo in your daily food routine you will sure loose weight drastically.
i bought the supplement for a month , but i stop consuming the product after 2 weeks and began to follow my normal diet routine without carbo and it worked . It’s actually a physiological theory of marketing , ppl will avoid all the substances that were advise by the manufacture and when they loose weight they will gain more trust on the product and eventually spend more money .They are just manipulating people over healthy diet and levels of their marketing skill to convoy the trust to ppl .
if you digest the whole concept , actually u can loose how much of weight with a healthy set of diet table and avoid eating food that contains fats or heavy carbohydrate .
Just to share , No intended of product discrimination
Peace !
Seperti yang aku beritahu sebelum2 ini, product2 seperti ini menjadikan amalan diet tanpa carbo dan gula yang sememangnya akan memberi kesan penurunan yang mendadak dalam salah satu pantang larang dalam menggunakan product tersebut. Seperti yang diperkatakan individu di atas, jika dia mengikut amalan diet yang disyorkan oleh jurujual tersebut, dia masih berjaya menurunkan berat badan dengan sendirinya tanpa perlu mengeluarkan ratusan ringgit..jadi..fikir2kanlah.