35th week pregnant with Placenta Previa

Its been a while since my last post..not feeling well through the pregnancy ..a very challenging pregancy i would say..different experience for my third baby..

Starting my pregnancy nightmare episode by been admited to hospital due to diarrhea at my 10th week of pregnancy..

And when the pregnancy reached 4 and half month..doctor said i have placenta previa n im bleeding as per normal period. Admited to the hospital and been resting from work for 18 days..

Everythng went fine after that..and the monthly scan showed that the placenta is already at it place..

Tp tuhan itu maha berkuasa dan menguji umatnya sekali lagi..when my pregnancy reached 34th week..i was rushed to the emergancy..tapi mujur contraction tidaklah terlalu kuat..doctor berjaya menghentikan pendarahan dan menghalang proses kelahiran supaya kandungan mature enough to see the world..

Now im already 35th weeks i im waiting to have my csec probally next week as my case is a total placenta previa yang mana uri telah menutup laluan servic and menghalang kelahiran secara normal..


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